Rise & Shine for Childline
Host your own Childline Breakfast at home, in your school, club, crèche, or company and support Ireland’s only 24hr listening service for children and teenagers nationwide.
We are asking parents and guardians, teachers and caregivers, employees and employers to sit down together and have breakfast while enjoying some tasty McCambridge bread, all in aid of Childline.
Talking helps and at Childline we listen to children who simply need someone to talk to. We are there for them 24 hours a day, seven days a week. And you can help us to continue to be there with your own breakfast gathering.
So, choose a day in May to Rise and Shine for Childline.
How to get involved?
- Click the ‘Sign up’ button on this page.
- Select whether you are taking part as a family, club, crèche, school, or company.
- Fundraise on your page by either: making a once off donation, asking each participant to bring in €4 or use our till barcodes to allow your customers to donate.
- Receive your pack: Bunting for your Childline Breakfast event, well-being cards that act as conversation starters to help get the breakfast chat going, your own certificate of participation, event posters, coin box, breakfast guide and checklist, balloons, stickers, till wobbler and till barcodes.
- Receive your bread! If you’re part of a school, club, crèche, or business, you will receive a special delivery of fresh McCambridge bread. Let us know the date, number of people participating and your address – we will ensure there is enough for everyone!
- Host your Childline Breakfast on a day between the 13th and 19th of May. Use our pack to decorate, eat some yummy breakfast, use our well-being cards and use this time to really listen to one another.

Life is so busy and sometimes we can forget to reconnect. Rise and Shine for Childline is the perfect opportunity to take the time to sit, listen and enjoy each other’s company over breakfast.
Simply donate €25 or more and you will receive your digital pack that includes; well-being cards to encourage conversations about what is important to the children in your life, your own Childline Breakfast event poster and a ‘Host your Breakfast guide and checklist’.
Host your Childline Breakfast between the 13th and 19th of May.
Schools, Club, or Crèche
We know that talking helps and by hosting your own Childline Breakfast you can help encourage the children in your care to know that they can reach out to us at Childline, for any reason and at any time.
Simply sign up and create your fundraising page, share your page with staff/parents to donate, receive your event pack, receive your McCambridge bread, host your Childline Breakfast event and use your Childline prompt cards to check in with the young people in your group.
Option 1: Host a breakfast in your place of work. Invite employees, customers, or clients, and ask them to make a small donation on the morning. Maybe your company will even match what’s raised! When registered we will send you a fundraising breakfast pack to get you started. There is also the option to have a breakfast and learn, where one of our professionally, qualified team members can provide a talk Childline’s parenting supports at your breakfast.
Option 2: If you are a retailer, why not join our till donation campaign. Give your customers the opportunity to get involved and donate €1/€2 to Childline at the till. We will provide you with a pack which includes barcodes, till wobblers, poster etc.
Who are you supporting?
All funds raised from the Childline Breakfast will go directly towards Childline’s 24/hr listening service.
Childline receive calls and webtexts from on average 2,000 children and teenagers every week. We support their needs and listen to any issues they are facing.
The well-being of children across Ireland is our number 1 priority! To ensure we can be there for every child who contacts us, we need your support.
Children’s issues range from family relationships, mental health, emotional health, friendships to abuse and sexual assault. No matter what the issue is, we are here for every child, at all times.

Our Fundraisers